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Using Heroku to serve a webhook with Python code

Previously we documented how to link a Google form to the execution of a piece of Bash or Python code on the DCCN HPC cluster. Here we will investigate how to execute Python code on Heroku.

Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables you to run applications entirely in the cloud. It supports several programming languages. You use the git and heroku command-line utilities to upload and manage your code.

Heroku has the concept of “dynos”: these are very simple virtual machines (i.e. Docker containers) designed to interact with users and/or other servers. Heroku takes care of binding your application to an external http/https interface, it does the caching of incoming requests, and it will automatically start your dyno when a http request comes in. When it is not active for some time (by default 30 minutes) Heroku will switch the dyno off. You can change this configuration, and also scale up the number of dynos if you expect a lot of trafic.

If your web application is not used very intensely, and hence your dyno is off most of the time, the Free and Hobby plan will be good enough.

Create conda environment

Although not required, I recommend that you create a separate conda environment for each of the following examples. It ensures that your test environment is more similar to your deployment environment, and facilitates figuring out what the specific requirements are.

conda deactivate
conda create -n hello_simple python=3.7
conda activate hello_simple

Simple hello world application

The following is based on the Getting Started on Heroku with Python documentation, but uses a more simple Python web application.

A simple application can be implemented with the following files

The first two files are the actual web server that only prints “Hello world”.

The content of is

import os
import http.server
import socketserver

PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT')) or 8080

Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler) as httpd:
    print("serving at port", PORT)

The content of index.html is

  <head> </head>
    Hello world!

The requirements.txt file is standard for Python and you can make it with pip freeze > requirements.txt. In this case there are no external erquirements, so the file is empty.

The runtime.txt file specifies to Heroku what the runtime should be, it contains


The Procfile specifies how the process is to be started. In this case it also specifies that the process should be linked to the web (i.e. http), Heroku will automatically bind the TCP port of your application to the external https port (443). It contains

web: python

The files can also be found in the hello_simple directory of this repository on GitHub.

I assume that you already have git and heroku installed.

heroku login

If you have problems later on with authentication, try heroku logout followed by heroku login.

Let’s first add the files of our application

mkdir hello_simple
cd hello_simple

touch index.html
touch requirements.txt
touch runtime.txt
touch Procfile

Use an editor to add the content to each of the files, or copy them over from this repository.

You can run your applciation locally with


and use your browser to connect to the page on your server on http://localhost:5000.

Add the files to a local git repository

git init .
git add *
git commit -m "First application"

Now make a Heroku application

heroku create

If you go to the Heroku website, you will be able to see the application there. You don’t have to change any of the settings on the Heroku website.

Push your git repository to Heroku. This takes some time and some information will be printed on screen.

git push heroku master

The application is now deployed. Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running:

heroku ps:scale web=1

Now visit the app at the URL generated by its app name. As a handy shortcut, you can open the website as follows:

heroku open

This wiill open your new application in your browser. Congratulations, you have just started your own Python-based webserver in the clould. You can now copy the URL which looks like and send it to your friends!

When you make changes to your code, you only have to do git commit and git push heroku master to deploy the new version on Heroku.

More complex web application that parses URL arguments and JSON data

The example above did not really do any processing with the incoming requests, it only served a static page. Rather than extending the SimpleHTTPRequestHandler implementation, it is common to use a framework such as Django or Flask to implement web applications in Python.

The following is again based on the Getting Started on Heroku with Python documentation, but uses a Python web application implemented with Flask. Thre reason not to use Django here is that it requires a Postgresql database, which is an overkill for the simple webhook handler that we want to implement.

This ampplication application requires the following files

The files can be found in the hello_flask directory of this repository on GitHub. Compared to the simple example, the requirements.txt now lists some requirements. Furthermore, the web application can parse arguments from the URL and can deal with JSON data that is posted.

I assume that you already have git and heroku installed.

heroku login

If you have problems later on with authentication, try heroku logout followed by heroku login.

Let’s first add the files of our application

mkdir hello_flask
cd hello_flask

touch requirements.txt
touch runtime.txt
touch Procfile

Use an editor to copy the content over from this repository.

You also have to install some external Python packages

pip install Flask
pip install gunicorn
pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can again run your application locally with


and use your browser to connect to the page on your server on http://localhost:5000.

If you look at the Python code that implements the application, you see that there is a handler for / and a handler for /post. You can test the first one by opening the URL http://localhost:5000/?name=Robert in your browser.

Testing the /post handler can be done from the command line as follows

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --request POST --data '{"a":"1","b":"2"}' http://localhost:5000/post

This should return JSON data posted in the terminal with curl, and in the command window with your application it should print the JSON structure. To test posting of more ceomplex data structures, you can use an application such as Remember to set the Content-Type: application/json as a header, otherwise your application will not parse it as JSON.

Add the files to a local git repository

git init .
git add *
git commit -m "Second application"

Now make a Heroku application

heroku create

Push your git repository to Heroku. This takes some time and some information will be printed on screen.

git push heroku master

The application is now deployed. Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running:

heroku ps:scale web=1

Now visit the app at the URL generated by its app name. As a handy shortcut, you can open the website as follows:

heroku open

This will open your new application in your browser.

Use the following to see the logs

heroku logs --tail

and again post some data in another terminal

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --request POST --data '{"fielda":"1","fieldb":"2"}'

Your application is now processing and printing the JSON data. If you now configure as a webhook elsewhere, e.g. when a Google form is submitted, using the webhook service in IFTTT, or under “Settings -> Webhooks” on GitHub, your application will receive the incoming data as a JSON structure and can process it in your Python code.

When you make changes to your code, you only have to do git commit and git push heroku master to deploy the new version on Heroku.

Final remarks

Looking around inside the virtual machine

You can start a one-off virtual machine and automatically get logged in with

heroku run bash

This allows you to look around, explore teh environment in which your app is running, and - if needed - to debug your app in its actual execution environment.

Storing secret data

If you have secret API keys or so that you do not want to store in your code, you can use the following to store them in your Heroku application

heroku config:set API_KEY=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
heroku config:set API_PWD=yyyy-yyyy-yyyy

In your application code you can use os.environ.get() to get the value. You can also find these config vars in the online Heroku dashboard.


Some alternatives to running small pieces of code in the cloud are Amazon Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google App Scripts.

The difference with these is that they execute only a single function, whereas a Heroy dyno is a full-fledged virtual machine. The easy integration of git with Heroku and the way that the dyno’s start/stop automatically make Heroku as easy - if not easier - than these Function as a service (FaaS) platforms.